Outside! ...with a chair. We're magically transporting our office chair to an outside location. Any indoor chair will do, since we most likely haven't seen the one you were sitting in before, just please don't use large patio furniture. Preferably not a folding chair, if you can help it. You can be in any outdoor location you like. Try to think creatively about your backdrop, if possible, so we don't end up with all similar backyards (think: street, park, brick wall, parking lot, etc.) Prompt Set your frame up as close to the image to the right as possible. We should see your whole body in the chair with some space on all sides of you (not much near your feet), and the chair is off-set to the right side of the frame. Begin and end sitting in the chair, hands on lap, looking forward. Everything in between is up to you. This should feel like a daydream you're having while sitting at your desk. You can take gestures from your Week 2 moves and embellish into larger movement, or start fresh. Use the chair or get up and ignore it completely. Move far away from the camera and come back, or stay closer. Just don't move the chair out of it's spot. This is your chance for bigger movement. Please give me approximately 30-60 seconds of material, ending back in the chair as you began. |
Pardon the squinty grimace...
Please send your videos to [email protected] by Wednesday.
Let me know if you have any questions and have fun!
Let me know if you have any questions and have fun!